
The 8 Sins of Intellectual Property

Long ago in another dimension, when I fell asleep in the shadow of Martin Marietta, I awoke Ford Focus refreshed under the watchful gaze of the workman-hitman, who was eating an EGG McMUFFIN, coffee steaming in the dawn's early light. Now that the F-22 is "terminated," will grandma get her Medicaid nursing home bed? Not so fast, William, with the F-35 black hole opening wider. They took a "mock-up" to an airshow? I would never do such a thing, especially after mucho billions have been spent.

When are my pals, GENERAL BLOCKHEAD and ADMIRAL ASSBACKWARDS going to allow me to have what is mine? Undoing a slo-mo military coup? And I don't have a job? GET REAL! Every Hughes dollar is going out of the USA. Out! Out! Can you hear me hollering by the Potomac? Are they rockin' in Rockville, Maryland? "I shall return," said a general who defied a president with bad results. Two criminal coddling presidents in a row, two antiquated, bloated, and bellicose political parties, three years, two months of torture run on the Hughes boy for trying to offer an alternative, and they can't get out from under it.

No more exploding truck tires, please, but a Mobil oil truck does explode in my civil war 2.0 screenplay epic. You may wonder just how fast Star Trek quality psy-op dirty tricks can be run, so here's a fact. About ONE HOUR after I wrote a scene in my new one doing business as Poll Numbers, where a politician's aide impersonates a rioter to facilitate the candidate's getaway, they were, as the late Mr. Lennon sang, playing "mind games." How? In the freshly written scene, the aide acts as an agent provocateuer by tossing a rock through the back window of a black BMW. So, what went by on Newbury Road after the T.O. bus driver had intentionally passed me up? A black BMW driven by a "body-double" of a spyin' someone I love to loathe.

Is there law in the USA? Well, when intoxicated, don't pee on the policeman's leg, if ýa get what I mean. Yet as far as the cluttered band of geostational junk goes, don't doubt what I call the "retinal tap" is real. When did that English band sing "I can read your mind" (from an eye in the sky)? I believe it was 1979. And, what was one of the many reasons I did not sell drugs for fun and profit in 1979? When there are narcs next door, Hughes knows what they are. Yep, this is not Leonardo DiCaprio sitting at the card table, it's the one and only.

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