
It's About II & Two Engines: Part One

Spies, soldiers, and Maf-IA all seem to be highly patriarchal. So, should my dear old daddy pass away before I am freed from Thousand Oaks, this little ditty DAVID OGILVY stole from RUDYARD KIPLING should serve as a fitting and slightly witty memorial:

"They copied all they could follow,

but they couldn't copy my mind,

and I left 'em sweating and stealing,

a year and a half behind."

I gather it is perfectly normal in the intel community to zig and zag. Fore example, when the ARMY JAG played his mind games next door in Clayton, Missouri, I thought he was my friend. And, when the NAVY JAG neighbor took over the drug dealers' central computer in my execution center of a New Hampshire apartment, I thought he was a jerk, because of his anti-Clinton bumper-sticker. Do you have to be subtle with clues like a personalized NH license plate that said "NAVY JAG?" "They" make it hard for me, don't they? Upon reflection, I tried to do the "flip," where Navy JAG was the good guy, and ARMY JAG, fresh from Abu Ghraib, full of treachery, including the illegal "sneak & peek" specialist the FLORIDA BOY, who drove the black-as-night JEEP.

Remember 2006, spies? I bitched in MR. TURNER'S "bughouse" that the FL BOY had poor cover, and next thing I knew, there was a little WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY parking tag hanging from his rear-view mirror. Crap! The only Republican I ever voted for in my entire life until RON PAUL was JOHN DANFORTH, and now I'm about ready to raid the DANFORTH FOUNDATION and maybe find out many (bad) things. Why, FLORIDA BOY even got a little bookbag to carry when he was not directing potential assassins over on the LUTHERAN MISSOURI SYNOD'S football field, which was right out my second-story window. I wondered why when I first moved-in, Mr. Turner cut down a fairly healthy tree that obscured my windows. ANSWER: To get a better bead on "Howard the Duck," and that's me, always ready to hit the deck.

Inevitably, by 2009, I had regressed to my youthful attitude about the U.S MILITARY. That being, you are a bunch of twisted weirdos, fighting presidential "small wars" and carting-off a ton of benefits after 4, 8, or a dozen years of service. Hey soldiers, sailors, and airmen, YOU CAN'T DO THAT IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR. I believe Howard, the uncles, and the old Watergate Spooks planned this perfectly, didn't they? William knows only W-2/W-4 earnings and worked hard for every book, LP, CD, gizmo, and stick of bargain basement furniture the Mafia stole. Now, this is war.

If you think, as I like to say, "After what I've been through," I'm not ending -up president of this corrupted nation, donning a bullet-proof vest, and watching as your #1 Policeman as explosive charges blow on the Mafia Man's expensive home, you are the one who is nuts. These people are Homeland terrorists, and deserve no notice of being summarily hauled-off to the jailhouse. Are my enemies drafting legislation right now that will supposedly prohibit me from flying my own Air Force One? Don't bother, because I think the Supremes would see it my way, right Ron Paul? And, there's also the other little matter--ask Bush & Obama--of me just doing it anyway, because you, whoever you are, couldn't stop it, because you are not boarding my airplane, are you?

Speaking of airplanes, I have long alleged that the "Joint Strike Fighter" a.k.a the F-35, has been not much more than a pool of "black money" to mess with Hughes. "Where's the plane!?" I've cried since 2005. Ah, now the spooks have dropped Aviation Week & Space Technology on me, sans trip to the library, so I see we've had less than 100 hours of flying time for this wonder out of an anticipated 5,000 sorties, and even the LOCKHEED MAN admitted they will be lucky to have 500 in by the end of 2010. Is this the Hundred Year Airplane, or the Hundred Year Civil War? It really gets spooky, given it is true that when a federal courthouse staff member asked me if I wanted to become an honorary member of the bar to enjoy full library privileges, I said, "Thanks, but I don't have time." A year later, after cracking my own genetic code, I read regarding the president thing, grandpa said, "Sorry, I don't have time."

Wow! to jetwash and whitewash, why did my e-mail to Lockheed come bouncing back with "fatal errors?" Is BILL GATES in jail yet? Has BOB GATES scrubbed the F-35 yet? He ought to, because what did I say eight or more years ago about the F-35? "I smell F-111 all over again." Navy, am I right? Admiral, you know I'm right, when I see the mighty F-35B has "beefed-up landing gear" to plop down on the ship. DUH. Why that's brilliant, and even I could have thought of that. Yes, cosmic forces conspired to send me a good buddy who spent his career as the F-111 repairman, and brother, he was never short of work. That airplane was, in my view, as a teen aged Watergate Baby, "Nixon's Folly." Then, as a young man, I suffered through "Carter's Folly," the B-1. Now Aviation Week reminds us the B-2 is twenty years old. My, time flies when you are middle-class and save 5-10 percent of your income.

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