
It's About II & Two Engines: Part Two

Here's part two, but first I must note I now thoroughly understand why me mum said, "Stop the world, I want to get off." That was well before computers began robbing whatever bit of freedom we never had.

Save money? Unheard of among California's innkeepers, who would often ask, "Where do you get your money from?" and I could honestly reply, "I saved it." Few Americans seem to grasp this concept, so now, storefront banks are pretty much indistinguishable from the dry cleaners, and no one seems to have any money. Except, of course, in Thousand Oaks/Westlake, where Carl Sagan's "billions and billions" could well refer to dollars spent on thwarting me from simply being me. Lockheed, are you ready for the Powerpoint slides in court? Gasoline sales, restaurant sales, hotel occupancy, car wrecks, tickets issued by the policeman, sales figures at UPS and Fed Ex? Think about it, because Hughes smells "black" money as readily as I smell my own blood when I cut myself with crappy church-donated razors.

Didn't I read a few years back about how there wasn't enough room in Dodge City for all defense industry cash guzzlers? Folks, somebody has got to go, especially when I turn dirt for Hughes Aerospace, and I say it's Lockheed. Did I just commit a crime? No, it's called big business, and just like a spy betrayal, the close association between Howard and Lockheed means grandson is gunning for them, and their plane that needs two engine suppliers. Why is the H-man riled-up? How about someone tell me on the record--not by leaving multicolored trash on the ground or deciphering the air routes of flyin' monkeys--why General Electric/Rolls Royce AND Pratt & Whitney bellied-up to the feedlot of currency. Joe Lieberman, the "fake Democrat," wants Pratt & Whitney to prevail, while ex-Marine and real Democrat John Murtha is cheerleading for the GE/Rolls Royce engine.

What's wrong with the plane? Like President Clinton, I can read between the lines and tell CIA to take a hike, because it looks as if SOFTWARE NOT TALKIN' TO HARDWARE. Not properly, anyway. So do we want a Joint Strike Fighter repairman to have a job for 20+ years keeping a piece of ill-conceived junk in the air? Houston, we have a problem, in that history, like the F-111, repeats itself at our expense. "Grandma needs a Medicaid bed at the nursing home!" Hughes will holler, with what? A few dozen microphones on the podium will do, until I can hustle the ones with the same windscreens Richard M. Nixon used.

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