
Drinkin' On The Job

"You see a couple at a restaurant, and both of them will be texting at the table. Don't people talk anymore?"

--Clint Eastwood

Talk? Not when it is fair and balanced to wonder why a U.S. Navy ship comes in 68 million, 42 million, or nearly 17 million dollar versions, and the bridge is coated with aluminium foil. My piece about many sailors--by their own admission in Navy Times--drivin' the boat drunk does not seem to get up here, because it is too long, and I'm a very busy man.

Motivation to join today's U.S. Military? Again, by their own admission: #1 JOB SECURITY; #2 PENSION; and #3 PATRIOTISM. Wars? What wars? Only one-fifth as many of the respondents said anything about fighting.

Big "welfare program," eh Palin? Which economics professor explained how the "Made in USA" TOYOTA stimulates our GDP far more than a TANK? He must have been a communist, right governor?

C'mon girl, let's rock.

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