
Hail to the Trailer Trash

I'm sure an indictment is coming down and incarceration is in my future because of my overdue library book that called the convocation above "The Hughes Family of Missiles." Can we get one out of old stock and point it at Alaska? Just a joke; but a better idea, I believe, would be to sell the Eskimos and Palin family miscreant youth back to the Russians. This would be contingent on the USA retaining oil & gas rights, so China doesn't get it. In California, Hughes is becoming downright xenophobic, and that's not "normal."

Hey, Soldier Boy, you'd better look up that "x-word," and people in Alaska are kind of like foreigners, anyway, right? I think most Lower 48'ers would agree. Who would buy Alaska without oil & gas included? A dumb Russian, perhaps, and it's not my fault I caught a few.

Can we make a movie now?

Is SARAH PALIN serious? Who is she boinking on the side? America, this is a "frank" question that deserves an answer, because I would not dare read scurrilous reports about my "competition," and I don't need to. My "people"--and I, as with the original MI television show, disavow any knowledge of them--are so good, when I wondered about the whereabouts of the "Drop-Dead Legs Girl" who wanted to lunch when I was nearly getting killed in Nashville on a regular basis doing the long-distance relationship thing, a look-alike drove by on JANSS ROAD westbound and assumed the position.

No, not that position, we're talking about the posture of runway-worthy girl as she wrote in medical charts at the acute care, bad as Bellevue, Delmar Street nuthouse. She was complete with nice wool skirts, plenty short, and of course, be sure to drop an earring around Hughes, so he chivalrously looks for it, looks up, and oh Lordy, you don't want to be me, do you, son?

No, you don't want to be tempted in the 3 East environment by a soused, super-hot psychologist. Troops and ships at sea, I am normal, so I thought about it, but Dr. L, who had the office next door, would have caught us for sure. More psychiatric trivia? How about "Mr. Five Cents" saying, as I've previously reported, "We're getting them all off the street for Clinton's visit."

Gee, I'm so glad I was handling that end of it, instead of--GASP--taking a day off to see old Billy Bob. Do you know why I did not? Here's a theory, Sigmund. Presidential "close encounters" make you timid about recurrences, but don't be alarmed if I make it there someday and you see me and just a few guys in the Safeway or Food Lion at 3 a.m.

Yes indeed, when I market the scanner by which you will simply push the cart out the door and be made that much poorer, I will, unfortunately, not see any of the profits from it until later, because I was dumb enough to ringmaster "The Show" for four years, or maybe only three, and do not act like I'm in trouble, per usual, if I should "Fix it" and depart early; that is between me and RMN.


Is former Governor Palin qualified to be president? I say "No," and I am itching for a public fight over it, not more morons and Maf-IA with nice laptops sitting in STARBUCKS staring at me. (The one with the Eiffel Tower wallpaper was really cool--do they teach them that sort of stuff at Ft. Belvior? Is Panetta in jail yet? Not yet?) Did you know Generation 3 invented the Fax Machine, and I invented Starbucks?

No credit, no cash. It's another "Hughes thing," Palin. Now, come out and fight in the open, bitch.

IS IT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION, OR LIL' GREMLINS THAT FORCE ME TO READ THE COPY OVER AND OVER TO CATCH THINGS LIKE "DOUBLING" WORDS. "Doubling" for who? I await my team of hungrier than junkyard dog attorneys. Yes, I can add, and it seems, per the official U.S. Gov'ment website handling such matters, like the Department of Defense budget went up from 664 Billion to 708 Billion overnight. Way to go, military minds! More A Beautiful Mind references? How did the United States of America's budget go from 2.98 Trillion to 3.8 Trillion in 48 hours? Sorry economists, 48 Hours was a good movie, this is real. Who cares about the numbers? Just keep printing currency, eh? Looks like the nation's "bicoastals" have gone totally "Cuckoo-Bird," not Mr. Hughes.

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