
Number Kooks Gone Wild

Thanks to "Fern" for reminding me that in addition to about a dozen fake medical ailments, I was supposedly operating with an impotent thyroid. Low TSH? Marching from Newbury Park to Westlake Village with more on my back than the average Soldier Boy in Iraq at age 53? No, I will not build you an air-conditioned, infrared goggled, blink & shoot from drones helmet. I say, USA out of the Middle East, before some A-rabs pull-off a real terror event.

"They" all know already, don't they? "Retinal Tap," Big Brother House senior center cams, and good old fashioned humanoid spooks mean ya'll know I've written to Boeing to demand my company back. But first, extremist "they's" are worried I am working through the crash of two EMS helicopters on June 29, 2008 that is not what it appeared to be, and the spy-blooper is so glaring, leave it to the FAA Man to say, "One printer cartridge a quarter! I can't wait until March to print one page!" And, off he went to the library, I suppose, but I will not pay 20 cents a copy, and there are so few photocopiers in this digital file Nirvana, it's like they want paper documents to disappear.

Never mind multiple parties can do that disappearing act, too. Oh, "they" hate the Congressional Research Service documents I downloaded on the China tech two-step that goes back to H.W. Bush as VP. And, that Concorde crash report from the EU version of our FAA they really hate, so---ZZZZZIT---CRACK--BOOM---

Oh my Lord, the computer room has gone dark, but I've quickly pulled out paper clips, chewing gum, a lead car battery literally fell from the sky, and my trusty DC/AC power converter has enabled me to stay on the blogosphere. My bailing wire may not last long, so I'd better hurry-up and say

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