
State-Sponsored Murder in the "Homeland"

Don't ask, nothing to tell.

Aren't two of the "establishment's" favorite lines "A lawsuit is pending," and "The investigation is ongoing," but hey spookies, nothing ever seems to change. The president's complexion is darker, these days, and donkeys have the big dongs among the legislative ding-dongs who won't listen to Hughes on health care, when the H-man sat in the VA clinics, he noticed the reference labs overtesting & overcharging scams, he babysat the highly dangerous but no mental hospital bed available person, he hollered when the aforementioned person was "kicked" to the street too early, he went to court when the latest Big Pharma antipsychotic didn't work too well, yet at the same time, he charmed the Big Pharma reps so effectively, their clock probably still hangs on the wall, and that's not to mention there is indeed a "free" lunch in the legal drug business.

Gee, I had to end that previous sentence after illustrating Mr. H knows many things about healthcare, and Soldier Boy matters, too. In fact, if I hear Sarah Palin mention "the troops" one more time, when I finally debate her on the big mind control screen, I plan to curse at her, thus creating a famous bleep-out for American political history.

Sarah, the troops are trained, they are adults, and they volunteered to be there, and to paraphrase that U.K. band "The Who," the troops are alright, but I worry about the sanity of some in the political realm these days. I also worry about the sanity of my merry band of stalkers, and the fact I have to concern myself with this ought to send some CH(i)Ppy Boys to the jailhouse on the wrong side of the fancy lock mechanism, if 'ya get what I mean. Yes, the Republic of California probably has an intel system superior to most nations, which is why I joke there are precious few Californians in California. How about right-wing talkers when they hear the "hippie" candidate thunder, "Hable inglés, por favor, or I'll send you home!"

I think they'll like it, because I will not go to France and build an aerospace company without being able to say salut, comment allez vous? It's a pleasant thought, and some are pleasant to me, and--are you deep in the file?--I used to live on Pleasant Grove Road. Not pleasant, no sugar & spice those tasks of mine.

Ready? Let's rock. Why in God's name would people get un-homeless for nine months, then return to Thousand Oaks/Westlake Village, California to be homeless again? Yes, select locals like my Socratic method, so here it is:QUESTION: How could secret police and covert Soldier Boys get away with murder, or shall we say "extrajudicial executions," in a "Bermuda Triangle" of Los Angeles County?ANSWER: It is too "crazy" to be believed.

Alright spookies, meet the Hughes boy's SUSPECT #1 and SUSPECT #2. SUSPECT #1 returned to Boston, Massachusetts, his hometown, after a lively discussion with the real H-man covering an event that took place on November 22, 1963. Now, this man is Terminator "back" and "homeless" again? What? What's that?SUSPECT #2 is so obvious about his Soldier Boy executioner role, he wanted to know about Mr. Hughes "drug history," something I may die over first, rather than tell a real network TV mind control spinner the TRUTH, and hopeful end all Pablo "Coca Papa" Hughes crap for good.

Why do the girls like that cocaine? America, they really won't tell me. Honest. As for dishonest, please do not claim to be living in a muddy ditch while wearing clothing that looked like momma used the fluffiest fabric softener on the market.Spy? Me? Spy? No, merely observant, and I can catch 'em. Plus, I am running for President of this here shootin' match, so I have to tell you, if we don't do something about a "Homeland" Murder Inc. that justifies its "activities" with what I call "cuckoo bird" National Security Act of 1947 criteria, we are all done as a nation.

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