
On The Dole (SSI) Part II

Some homeless guys in Ventura County, California think we're headed for this, but I doubt it, because you're all too hypnotized.

MAFIA & GULFSTREAM JET-CHASING LAWYER DISCLAIMER: The creator of this copyrighted material, William Charles Hughes, no longer controls the font type, font size, or font color. If you are a spy and totally insane, perhaps this means something to you, but I do not care, as long as it appears to post.

What's that Hughes Administration Department of Defense budget figure? ZERO! We'll start the haggling from there, and I think when we pile up the paper copies for that photo op of the "hot off the presses budget," there will be a few cameras present, and they will be on, unlike the TIME WARNER TRUCK, ABC 7 VAN, and CBS FLYING SAUCER. It wasn't a flyin' saucer? Don't ask me, ask the RAF, given the USAF has zero credibility, just like their future budget ($0), and I don't have ESP, I am not a "vampire," and I have rather famously seen one UFO in 55 years on this Earth.

Is that alright with you, MR. & MRS. DELUSIONAL? Back to Spain, and wouldn't I like to be there right now, but gosh, I must be "Bipolar" and off the topic again. No Ding Dong, I intend to run Palin back north where she belongs, and I don't care where she buys her clothes, or what color she wears. Yes, the nation is falling apart, and here in KOOK-LA-LAND, they really do worry about what color or number to wear. Didn't we cover all of that with KLAUS on Mifflin Street in Madison, Wisconsin? Are you deep in the MI file, or just an idiot? Very likely the latter.

Listen to the Hughes; when both trade unionists and conservative pundits predict a "social revolution," buddy, you've got problems. No riots in Spain, however, and as for Ventura County homeless predicting them in California, I did indeed say, in the throes of the dot com 1990's, when every yuppie seemed to be driving a luxury car, "Kill them, and take their cars." Yet Google, Yahoo, AOL, and additional .com nerds can calm down, because I was just kidding, and it is not my fault if the United States Government cannot tell when I'm joking and when I'm not.

Q: Hey soldiers & old Watergate Spooks, what do you call that?

A: A strategic advantage.

p.s. Is the Cabin Boy II script done yet? Not yet?

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