
Close Your Eyes, Hold Your Nose, and Vote

Seems the Word Press blog has been temporarily, I trust, rendered inoperable by hackers, so pardon a serious piece here. Want your elections to look like the not so fun trip to the polls pictured above? We're well on the way, with your cuckoo U.S. Civil War 2.0 I did not start.

I was watching Dassault video, and just for a second I///fuck you, at one time so-called "friends." mafia! mafia!

Rigged! Attention! Attention! When did the big whore spygirl say, "Don't you know all elections in Florida are rigged?" NSA Male Ponytail Division, look alive, and what was the date, please? December of 2000 is good enough for me. Like Johnny Carson, not John Lennon, "I did not know that." Hey Carter, James Earl, why not "supervise" 2012, because you look to be in good health after supposedly falling ill.
Have I checked my ex-president's counties of residence for the various Sheriff Departments? You bet I have! Here comes the Sheriff, with a little paperwork from Mr. Hughes! When did I last vote? In Clayton, Missouri with a newsman talking head in line behind me, if we don't count throwing away my vote on that big fraud RON PAUL in New Hampshire. Here comes the political meat cleaver if I have to spray-paint it on a train trestle, which is about as effective as blogging. Let us review the important questions of life, if you are me:
1. May I take another breath?
2. May I defecate indoors?
3. May I sell my intellectual property?
4. May I run for president, please?
Better vote for Stinker "A" or Stinker "B," or I may kick your ass! Why? I AM A POLITICAL PRISONER IN THE REPUBLIC OF CALIFORNIA. I DO NOT RESIDE HERE, SO I CANNOT AND DO NOT DESIRE TO VOTE HERE. (Yet feel free to write-in "Hughes" and upset the brain-jacked Polling Place volunteer.

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