
Carbon Trading

After reading-up on the growing "carbon trading" scam in China, then being followed rather obviously and noisily in the wee hours, all levels of gov'ment should be aware of my new "street theatre" plan. I'm going to fall down on the sidewalk as if felled by a gunshot, then tell the VANDENBERG CUCKOOS over and over, "I'm dead, show's over, go home!"

When the inevitable black & white car shows up, I'll jump to my feet and say, as the California inside joke has gone, "I'm fine." Just resting, officer, but by the way, why no arrests over about--lost count of them--somewhere in the mid-teens of crimes committed against me since I entered the "Golden" state in early May, 2008?

I see...I'm the Hughes, so you can f--- with me, but I dare not say anything about it, and the police station is, "Up a hill," not on a bus line. Hmmm...how many VIN Numbers to I have to keep in my name before I have an automobile to drive? Sir, I'm talking bus line, not line of cocaine. Don't stare at me; I'm the one who wants to get elected and put Palin's beloved "troops" in the right place, as with south of the border, Soldier Boy.

Here's a quiz. What has damaged U.S. "national security" more than cocaine since Ronnie Reagan was shot at in 1981? The Taliban? Al Qaeda? Get real! Got air raid sirens in Cali? Better test 'em.

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