
"Missing" Murders

How's "Pastor Sudan" doing? Ooops, though they got soundwalls and a big garish sign, that one is in Arizona. "Pick a denomination or lose your tax exemption," candidate Hughes will say.....when, you old, corroded, BUSH 41 mafia?

Doorman at the Dakota for all those years? New job, you say? I am Seargeant Schultz for real, so my offical position is, "I know nothing!" Shhhhh....don't tell anyone. And, BTW, hide the cups. Hide the cheese. Hide the donuts.
I'm getting a complex about rich folks maybe not liking me, but who warned of the "single-digit millionaire?" Aunt DORIS, and she seems to be not coincidentally dead. May I listen to the tower in Istanbul? I may. May I have my news clipping back on MICHAEL TOWERS, and let's don't work the "tower" clues, when we could waste a bucket of balls at TOWER TEE, and I'm absolutely not talking "spy code."
To the diary they want to steal [but first, the aviation disaster clue of the day]:
"412 central...we have one...one pilot we're rescued from the fuselage, he's breathing at this time." Five...four...three...two...one...You talkin' about me?
9:19 a.m.
[ 's] coffee has worked wonders again! It's the old MBMHC "switcheroo," as cash registers are jingling in JEWLAND over my new, depressing, 1970's ending, and new working title, which I dare not write down anywhere. More money! Because, why did the 1970's "bad guy wins" movies do so well? GAS SHORTAGE, RECESSION, INFLATION, WATERGATE, etc. So, the time is right for William to ditch the Jimmy Stewart movie ending and get in step with the decadent times.
9:43 a.m.
FANTASY of the PORN MOVIE--I don't think Andrea 2.0 likes the idea, but it at least got her to stare at LEO'S CARD PLAYIN' GROUP awhile. "RICK TANAKA" is now "key-rattling." To the real work at hand. [ ], to my surprise, is: A) Up early; B) Claimed to have been "arrested," changed to "almost arrested"; C) Wants to smoke on the MAFIA CENTER patio. This is good, because I have seen the Cali-fornia policeman almost arrest people, and it is another unusual procedure, where [ ] claimed to have been given a ride from the suspect CHRISTIAN ACADEMY to near the GOEBEL by the policeman, who reportedly also bought him a pack of cigs. Parable or not, this is good. [ 's] all across the nation stalker in here this a.m. I guess this is O.K., as he sat staring at KEN-KEN the android who sits ever-vigilant @ Computer #8. Thank God for the Medicare Class on FRI. with the damn room closed, so I just might get some more nasty, disrespectful e-mail ready for the CUCKOO-BIRD U.S. AIR FORCE. Perhaps, as with the U.S. NAVY military policeman, an af.mil policeman or policegirl could find their way to the goebel, where I will "Call the cops" on them. The no longer Suni/Shiite Sheriff's Department will say, "We don't care about your federal issues," and possibly even tell the af.mil people to, "Go away." FBI? Surely you jest after 8 YEARS OF PSY-OP TORTURE and our first NEGRO PRESIDENT...what?
What to do with "Bo the White House Dog" with Michelle & Barack in prison? More niggahs in jail, but the "liberals" who might be NATIONAL SOCIALISTS have doggie rescue and even doggie psychotherapy awaiting poor "Bo." No hints around here. Who told me to go to that--picking on Jews?--spyin' catholic Church. That was "Bo." LUTHERAN SS. Are they in jail yet? not yet?
Hey Steph, who's selling drugs at KSHE? Shelly! Shelly! Shelly! New? and sir, who the f*** are you?

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