

"Ed" on the tail, eh? May I recover my missiles, please? What business is it of yours, fool? Do I look like "Mr. T" from The A Team? I thought I was Hannibal, per the 1980's spies. Didn't watch television then, either, and now I'm conveniently houseless/homeless. "They" think of everything, don't they?

Many thanks to The Onion for assisting with keeping me drop-dead boringly sane. As Sigmund Freud knew, humor is a tremendous "defense." (Even when "psy-opp'ed" for most of your adult life).
Would you keep a car that only started a little over half the time? I didn't think so, but I do know LOCKHEED MARTIN is selling unreliable missiles, thanks to old Aviation Week magazines left for me at the--is it an adult day care center? The younger spies want to know, and for the record, I told them, "No." TOM BROKAW's "Greatest Generation" is doing very well, thank you, but the problem is, we younger folks cannot pay for senior citizens any more. No job = no medicine for grandma.
No Hughes cash in the economy? Why not just play, play, play, at the Securities and Exchange Commission? Trying to hide it from me in anticipation of the day when my horde of skinny, very high-I.Q., maybe even a little angry lawyers come after you? Three...two...one..."That ain't gonna work." It was yet another family expression: "You don't want to spend the rest of your life in court." Oh yeah? Maybe I do, and girls, get it straight, because I am "straight," and you are never marrying me. Why not? You are spying on me, as have all the others.

Got a princess ready, EU? [He's off the topic! He's got ADD! No, it's OCD. How about "Bipolar," that's even worse!] Mafia! Mafia! Maybe they need to read the simpler DSM-IV-TR. Do you even know what I mean? Did you drop out of Middle School and join the Army? Did the mean old judge say U.S. Navy or jailhouse? Did you get trigger-happy in the Marine Corps, anticipating many fringe benefits not available in the private sector? How about that United States Air Force? No wonder they made me otherwise booked the day of our high school field trip to Navoo, Illinois, where the citizens may have burned-out Mormons for a good reason, like you are all nuts. Who was William Gay? Hey, I went out with a "Monica" back then; these are the facts, gay boy.
Anybody still alive from the ACAPULCO to HOUSTON run in 1976? You'll come to federal court, instead of staring at me like the shriveled-up, walking, talking, ancient Maf-IA cadavers you are. Trouble in California is, I don't know who you are. First name? Great. Last name? Yippee! Phone number? Excellent! Address? You mean like a physical, terrestrial address? UNHEARD OF IN MAFIA TOWN, MAFIA COUNTY, or the STATE OF MAFIA (featured on maps as "california").
Why am I not selling the "Works fine every time" aerospace product? Something to do with whores, cocaine, and defence contractor limousines, I do believe. Be they white or black, when "they" open the door and sit there like idiots, I won't get in. The nonverbal stuff; a whole different world it is, and I absolutely will not learn the "language." Another witty remark, politicians? "I never knew what the word 'subversive' meant until I came out to california." No wonder another guy named "Bill" told me never to "go west" in 1971.
Didn't we joke in Concord, New Hampshire, through real-life Big Brother House listening devices about my lack of desire as a "liberal" to turn defense plants into recycling centers? Thugs & kooks are not very astute at politics, I've learned the hard way, so it has to be simple, and here is a simple Q & A:
Q: "How do you call a Hughes a communist?"
A: "You are a hard-core Nazi."
What is a Raytheon? "Good morning Mr. Raytheon, I'm William Hughes." Chinese bodies, a family including kids, floating dead in the MERRIMACK RIVER was my allegation on AbolishTheCIA.org, and I hate being right so often. Anything been done since, except Hughes proving a FORD FOCUS cannot catch an FBI IMPALA trying to kill me on I-93 Northbound? Not much, so look for the Executive Order, nutjobs...you are "gone" if I get there.
Pray tell, killer Christians, where is the new Hughes Family of Missiles going? Up organized crime's anus, but I need permission to fire my own missiles at them. That's where the president thing comes in.

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